As I read this verse, the Holy Spirit probed me: “So, you want to be great? If so, become a servant. Is that what you want?”
May I share with you my response?
"Lord, yes, I want to become great, but my definition of greatness is all wrong. I define it as privilege and accolades and skills and expertise and acknowledgement.
"Take me to your heavenly thesaurus. Lord, help me to see that greatness among God’s people is...
- Service
- Humility
- Surrender
- Brokenness
- Love
- Looking after the interests of others
"Yes, I want to be like Jesus! You came to serve and to give your life a ransom for many. Lord, I give my life to serving others so that they may find true life. Today, help me to answer the question – to honestly answer the question – 'Am I willing to serve God without pay, in an obscure place, with no guarantees, in God’s way, with God’s values?'
“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139.23-24).
That is truly a great ambition for all of us, but especially for those who are called to ministry. It's hard to want to serve others, especially when those same "others" more often than not will disappoint you or even turn their backs on you. But isn't it great to know that your accountability is not to those (us) imperfect people, but to the Lord, who knows your heart?
Oh yeah, I wanted to add: Psalm 139:23-24 is now written and posted on my desk as a constant reminder of what I'm striving for! What a great prayer, one that we should all say every day!
That's right Eric and Jenny. Serving is not the natural nor easy thing to do - especially to do so with pure motives. Our motives are so easily sullied by thoughts like - maybe I'll get noticed for my sacrificial service...
I really like Psalm 139.23-24, too. I also like to "soak in the rest of that Psalm. It starts our - "Lord, you have searched me and you know me..." It ends with a plea for God to repeat the searching and knowing process. Walking with God is like that. A continuous cycle of searching and knowing, leading to changing and growing. Be ever vigilant in guarding your heart. It is the wellspring of life.
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