Friday, April 24, 2009

Listen and Learn

Today’s Scripture Readings:
OT: Job 34-35
NT: John 14
W&W: Proverbs 1

Today’s Reflection:
If you are following the suggested scripture readings, today you will begin reading in the book of Proverbs. Proverbs is part of the Old Testament text called “wisdom literature.” Mainly credited to Israel’s King Solomon – its principal author – Proverbs was actually written by several different contributors, much of it nearly 3000 years ago.

In Proverbs 1.5, we are counseled: “Let the wise listen and add to their learning.” Listen and learn. Great counsel, but so often unheeded in our culture today. Watch any cable news network for a while and you will see great evidence of this lack in our society.

Wise people listen. They know they don’t know it all. They know they can’t understand another’s point of view without first listening. They realize, “How can I learn from you unless I listen?” Even if our goal is to help someone, we must listen to know what they need. Also, if we want to convince someone, we must listen to know how to most effectively present our arguments. Or, perhaps we may want to join someone. Surely then we must listen in order to know what we are signing on to. Don’t you wish congress would have “listened” (by reading it!) a little before they voted for the stimulus package?

Wise people know that they don’t gain knowledge by speaking but by listening.

Listening, wise people learn. To do so, they must listen with an open mind. Otherwise it is just hearing noise. Wise people are open and changeable. They realize that their principles need not be compromised in order to learn from people with whom they disagree. They know that they can add to – not throw away – what they already know.

The New Testament counsels us: “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (James 1.19b). Listening is first and fastest. Speaking comes next. Anger at times is appropriate, but it is last and will be very slow in coming if you first listen.

This Week’s Scripture to Memorize:
1 John 1.1: That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life.

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