Today’s Scripture Readings:
OT: Isaiah 1-2
NT: John 20
W&W: Proverbs 7
Today’s Reflection:
We started revival services yesterday at the Lynn Church of the Nazarene. It was great to be back in the pulpit, preaching the Word of God. I am so grateful to Pastor Tom and the people of the church for this opportunity. I also appreciate the fact that Lana is helping Darlene with the music. The ladies and the praise team are doing a wonderful job!
The New Testament reading for today is perfect for me as I begin a revival. In John 20.21-22, we find the following words of Jesus: “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you… Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” As I read that, I realized anew that Jesus is sending me! I have a tendency to struggle with confidence, and it has been even harder in recent months. These words of Jesus, however, renew my assurance and my excitement about preaching the gospel. Jesus has commissioned me! I go in his power and authority!
Yesterday morning I preached about being Red Hot for Jesus. How is your spiritual temperature? I shared a quote from an old hymn during the message: “Lord it is my chief complaint that my love is weak and faint. Yet I love you and adore. Oh for grace to love you more!” Are you on fire for Jesus? Remember, “You have not because you ask not.” God’s grace will give you that love if you ask for it. John the Baptist said of Jesus, “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire…” Ask the Holy Spirit to ignite a flaming love in your heart for Christ!
Last night we examined the condition of our hearts. I told the congregation of a man (let’s call him Joe) who inherited ten million dollars. The problem was he had a heart condition that was so bad that his family thought he might have a heart attack and die when he got the good news. They asked his pastor if he could help them. The pastor agreed to do so and went to Joe’s house. He came up with a method to break it to him gently. In the course of the conversation, he nonchalantly said, “Joe, what would you do if you inherited ten million dollars?” Joe said, “Pastor, I think I would give half of it to the church.” At that the pastor promptly had a heart attack and died!
We all have a heart condition of some sort. From the story of King David bringing the Ark of the Covenant back into Jerusalem found in 2 Samuel 6. I asked the people to consider three heart conditions: a careless heart (Uzzah), a callused heart (Michal), and a constant heart (David). Once again, we arrived at the conclusion that we need God’s grace to give us a constant heart. God, in his sanctifying grace, will give us a constant heart that will help us even in our failures and mistakes.
Dear friend, as the following verse says, I urge you to join me in finding help and assurance in the Word of God.
This Week’s Scripture to Memorize:
1 John 1.3: We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.
Monday, May 4, 2009
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