Thursday, June 11, 2009

Where Do You Plug Him In?

Today’s Scripture Readings:
OT: Isaiah 45
NT: Acts 28
W&W: Psalm 77

Today’s Reflection:

I'm posting this on Thursday evening because I haven't found the internet where I live and I won't be coming into town tomorrow.

As I mentioned a few days ago, Dr. Doug Van Nest, our district superintendent here in SWO “installed” me this last Sunday. (No, I’m not a major appliance. He installed me as pastor!) I promised I would reflect on what that meant to me.

Today, I will begin by sharing a “paraphrased transcription” of the installation service (special thanks to Marilyn for transcribing the recorded service into a Word document that I could then paraphrase for flow and clarity):

A sacred relationship exists between pastor and people. We do not hire pastors. We call pastors. There’s a big difference. You do not enter into some kind of employment contract today. We believe that within the Church, within the body of believers, we enter into a covenant. That’s what we are doing here this morning: you are entering into a covenant between pastor and people, before God--a sacred relationship. In every covenant both sides have obligations, things they are called to.


I’m going to begin today with the obligations that fall on you, Pastor. I want to read to you from 1 Peter 5.1: To the Elders among you I appeal as a fellow Elder, a witness of Christ’s sufferings and one who will share in the glory to be revealed. Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care. Serving as overseers, not because you must, but because you are willing as God wants you to be.
Pastor, be a shepherd of God’s flock. That is your call.

It is a call to feed those that are under your care. Feed them and nurture them as you proclaim to them in preaching and teaching the truth of God’s Word. Do so without fear and without compromise. As you do, see that they are growing in the image of Christ. Do all that you can to nurture them in their faith.

As a shepherd you are called to care for them. Walk with them through good and through bad. Be a symbol and representative of God’s love and God’s presence in their lives.

As a shepherd, you are called to lead them. In cooperation with the leaders of this church, you are called to seek God’s vision for this flock. Guide and direct them, keeping them in step with the Spirit of God.

And, Lana, I know that you are a critical part of the ministry of shepherding. You will work together in shepherding this church family: to feed them, to care for them, to lead them.

I want to ask you both today, “Do you accept that challenge, that call today, to be the shepherd of this flock, Bethel Church of the Nazarene? If so, say “We Will”.

Answer: “We will.”


Now, I’m going to ask you as congregation to stand together, because there is an obligation that falls on you as well. I want to read to you from, I Thess. 5: 12: Now we ask you brothers to respect those who work hard among you who are over you in the Lord, and, to admonish you to hold them in the highest regard and love, because of their work.

You are called as a congregation, as the church family:

To hold up your pastoral family. Hold them up in love. they are to be a part of your prayers constantly. They are to receive from you, love and support and encouragement. That is not just a nice idea. That is the word of God. You are called to hold up, those who are over you in the Lord. They aren’t over you in the sense of power, but in the sense of care, nurture and love. And those who hold that position should be held by the body of Christ in the highest regard of love, because of their work. That is God’s call to you as a people.

The Bible also says you are to respect their leadership. Respect those who work hard among you, and are over you in the Lord. Respect the call that God has placed upon him. You are to be a positive support. You are to receive his leadership with an open heart.

And I ask you now as a congregation, as a church family: will you accept your side of the covenant, will you accept the obligations that God has set upon you, to hold this family up, in the highest regard and love, to pray for them, to love them, to support them, to respect their leadership, and to keep in step with God’s Spirit. If you will do that, will you say today, “We will.”

Answer: “We will!”



To the newly elected Board Members: I want to give you this challenge, as you begin this journey together… in every thing that you do, put the kingdom of God first. In every decision you make, put the kingdom of God first. Let the kingdom of God be more important to you than your own desires, your own dreams, and your own opinions--put the kingdom of God first. And if you will do that as the leaders of this church, God will do incredible things in you and through you. God will do incredible thing in this place and in this community.

Do you believe that? And, do you accept that challenge to keep in step with God’s Spirit, and put His Kingdom first in all things? If so, say we will.

Answer: “We Will.”

What a beautiful ceremony it was! I am grateful for my district superintendent, my new church board (I had my first board meeting this week!), my new congregation, and most of all for Jesus who called me into his service.

Next week I will reflect on these things, but today, I just wanted to enjoy again the challenge set before us by the Lord of the Church.

This Week’s Scripture to Memorize:
1 John 1.9: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

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