Daily Reading:
1 Corinthians 1
Scripture Focus:
To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus,
called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours. (1 Corinthians
Thought: I recently heard a friend complain
about a negative email: "And there was no, 'Hey, how ya doin?' or anything
like that. It was just
bang..." Most of us are turned off
by - or simply turn off! - impersonal or contrived communication. I used to tell my staff members, "Whenever
you communicate with somebody - even email or text - say something genuinely kind
and personal. A simple salutation works
Paul gave careful attention to his salutation
to the Corinthians. With deliberate
precision, Paul taught a lot of theology in these words, writing that Christians
should be...
Paul's address immediately reminded the Corinthians that they were,
indeed, in Corinth. As Christians we
must never lose sight of our surroundings!
We are to be good neighbors and citizens.
Christ Jesus... Not just in Christ Jesus, but sanctified in Christ Jesus. The word sanctify simply means to make holy
or set apart. While living in the world
remember who you are living for - Jesus!
the Church... They were in Corinth and in Christ
together! Sainthood is not a solitary activity. As a matter of fact, when we try to be saints
without the church we have only a whisper of the influence that Jesus intends
for us. When people isolate themselves
from the people of God, eventually they find that they are isolated from the
company of God!
prayer... Paul 'accused' the Corinthians of calling
upon the name of our Lord. Would that
accusation stick with you? Would the
evidence of your life convict you of being a woman or man of prayer? Food for thought!
Prayer: Thank you, Lord, that while I am in you, I
am also in the church and in the world, to make a positive difference! Help me, therefore, to be a person of great
prayer and faith and obedience. Amen.