Daily Reading: Revelation 12-13
Scripture Focus:
If anyone has an ear, let him hear: If anyone is to be taken captive, to
captivity he goes; if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must
he be slain. Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints. (Revelation
Thought: In Revelation 13, there is a beast
who has authority over the nations of the earth. This beast will force all whose names are not
written in the Book of Life to worship him. John issued a threefold warning to the church:
"If anyone has an ear, let him hear." I watched with dismay as the confirmation
hearings for Brett Kavanaugh progressed.
Or, should I say did not progress?
Those who had made up their minds before the first hearing did
everything in their power not to hear what he had to say. And they wanted to prevent anyone else from
hearing it, too. Satan uses the same
strategy - silence the truth. The truth
is available to us, if we would but hear.
Our culture has turned a deaf ear to God and we will pay the price for
it. Worse yet, I fear that there are
those in the church who have tuned God out, not wanting to face the plain truth
of Scripture. They would rather be in
the dark and do what they want!
"With the sword must he be slain." Those who refuse to heed what they hear from
God and his Word, face a judgment. Taken
captive by their own lusts, these rejecters of God will receive the due
consequences of their decisions. We cannot be simply hearers of the Word, we
must be doers of the Word! (James 1.22)
on. "Here is a call for the
endurance and faith of the saints."
You've heard the expression, "That's why they play the
game." The outcome of the sporting
events is not predetermined. They play
to see who wins. In the same way, the
saints have to endure and believe to the end.
Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for giving me spiritual
ears. Help me to hear. Thank you for giving me truth. Help me to heed it. Thank you for giving me the ability to hang
on. Help me to do so in your power and
by your grace. Amen.
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