Daily Reading: 1 Corinthians 2-3
Scripture Focus: For
I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. (1
Corinthians 2.2)
Thought: In 1850's, the
Know Nothing movement was born. It was a
nativist, intolerant, and anti-Catholic group that began as a secret
society. It later became a political party,
but did not live long, dying out in 1860.
Those who adopt those kinds of views are destined to become not only
know-nothings, but to become unknown as well.
Was Paul a know-nothing? He testified to the Corinthians that he
"decided to know nothing... except Jesus Christ." Paul said that he did not depend on the
effectiveness of human efforts - current methods of logic and debate. He didn't rely on his great learning and
superior knowledge. None of that was
good enough for Paul. He came preaching
Jesus: Jesus in weakness, Jesus in death.
It's not that the other things were without use and merit. It's just that they were not powerful enough
in and of themselves for the all-inclusive message of the gospel. For Paul, the gospel of God was too important
to depend on the methods of man.
So, in that sense, Paul was indeed a
know-nothing, a know-nothing-but-Jesus! Paul's
message was full of the Spirit and power!
Lives were changed, brought from darkness to light, from death to life,
from the power of Satan to God. They received a place among the holy ones of
Paul's know-nothing approach was not
narrow-minded and exclusive like the Know Nothings of the 1800's. No, it was so wide, so broad, that it
included all people - Jews and Greeks, male and female, slave and free. Whosoever will may come!
What about you? Are you a know-nothing? A know-nothing-but-Jesus? That's the only way the power of God will
rest upon you!
Prayer: Father, I know that you have a work for me
to do, a life to live. Help me to set
aside methods of man for the gospel of God so that Christ's power may rest on
me. Amen.
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